How to Get Dry Erase Markers Working Again

how to fix dried out dry erase markers

I am almost to write a remarkable document that volition change the course of my life. But when I slid the marker across the paper, it only made a scratching sound. There was no ink; it has dried out. Does that sound familiar? Well, here are five easy methods on how to set dried out dry erase markers.

Utilizing H2o

Although dry erase marker ink is not water-soluble, water still works in getting it flowing again. Here'due south how to do it.

Step 1: Pour hot water in a container you don't mind getting stained. Though either hot or cold water works, the warmer the water, the faster it works. Hot water diffuses the ink faster; it gives quicker results.

Step 2: Put the dry out erase marker tip first into the bowl and let it sit for around five minutes.

Step 3: Remove the mark and put it on a towel to dry. Brand certain to leave information technology uncapped.

Step four: Check the marker every hour to make sure it doesn't completely dry out over again and lose its chapters to write. Information technology should be good to get in one case the tip is water-gratis.

Step 5: Supersede the cap on the marker. The leading crusade of dry erase markers drying out is leaving it uncapped for a prolonged period.

Bonus Tip: Injecting Water

If a skinny syringe is bachelor, injecting the marking tip with water is a viable option.

Pace ane: Fill the syringe with water.

Step 2: Insert the needle in the mark's tip, right into the body.

Step iii: Slowly push button water into the marker. Tiresome pushing of water allows the air inside the marker to drain out while adding moisture.

Step iv: Replace the cap.

Flipping the Tip

This method is unique and fun for me. But it tin become very messy very quickly if non careful. I discovered that I could remove the felt tip from the butt and flip it. Here's how to do it.

Stride 1: Concur the marker with the tip on peak.

Stride ii: Using a pair of needle-nosed pliers, carefully pull the felt tip out of the butt of the mark. Being very conscientious is crucial here. Non existence careful risks spilling the ink all over the place.

Step three: Split up the ink cartridge from the barrel.

Step four: Flip the tip and reinsert information technology back into the mark. I was surprised to notice out that both ends of the felt tip are chisel tips.

Step 5: Reassemble the marker.

Flipping the tip is non a permanent ready. Just information technology is ane of the quickest ways to write with the marker on short find.

The Alcoholic Method

Dry out erase markers use alcohol as a solvent for the colour pigments. Therefore, it makes much more sense to use alcohol to get the tip breathing once more.

Pace i: Pour a pocket-sized corporeality of isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) into a small-scale container. The booze should exist enough to cover the tip of the marking.

Step 2: Soak the tip of the marking in the alcohol until the ink starts swirling out.

Step 3: Supersede the cap of the marking and leave it tip-side upwards for a day. The alcohol should then slowly penetrate the entirety of the felt tip.

Bonus Tip: Injecting Booze

Just like with the water solution, injecting alcohol likewise works. It'due south precisely the aforementioned process, too!

Step i: Fill up the syringe with rubbing alcohol.

Step 2: Insert the needle into the tip.

Step 3: Slowly push the air out and the booze into the marker trunk.

fix dried out dry erase markers alcoholic method

Ethanol – The Organic Alcohol

One type of alcohol that is a potent solvent is ethanol. Ethanol, as well called ethyl, grain, or drinking booze, is organic. Information technology is less toxic. Hither's how to set a dried out dry erase marking with ethanol.

Step ane: Hold the mark tip-side upward.

Step 2: Use a needle-nosed plier to pull the nib out.

Step 3: Pour a bit of ethanol into the torso of the marker.

Pace 4: Supercede the beak.

Step 5: Allow the marker sit down tip-side down for a few minutes before trying to write with information technology.

Step 6: Replace the cap.

Bonus Tip: Injecting Ethanol

The verbal process of injecting liquid into the marker works with ethanol.

Using ethanol works well if at that place is more ink in the marker. Ethanol is a powerful solvent that will release the color pigments of the marker.


Vinegar is a household liquid readily available. It is also a quick alternative when it comes to reviving stale out dry erase markers.

Stride 1: Place the marker's tip on a small bowl.

Step 2: Dampen the tip with just a niggling fleck of vinegar. Two drops should suffice. Make sure not to put besides much vinegar – it will damage the tip.

Step 3: Let the mark tip soak in the vinegar for a couple of minutes.

Step four: Dry the tip before replacing the cap.

Concluding Thoughts

I hope that these easy methods are helpful! These five easy methods on how to gear up stale out dry erase markers are super effective. I don't have to scratch my head in frustration every time my markers decide to fail on me.


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