Don t You Dare Doubt Me or My Son Again

There are few things in the world that hurt a parent more than than hearing their child say, "I hate y'all." The words cut like a knife. The child you lot love so much and accept sacrificed for in so many means now hates y'all.

"I detest you, mom! I wish you were dead!"

"You are the worst mom ever!"

"I can't expect to get the f— out of this house! I hate it here!"

These words leave parents feeling a combination of hurt, anger, and resentment. Parents will naturally think to themselves:

"Don't you capeesh all that I accept done for y'all? How dare you speak to me that way!"

It's so like shooting fish in a barrel to take this as a personal attack because when nosotros give up so much for someone, we almost always expect good things from them in return. Doesn't my child understand the sacrifices that I accept made for them and that I love them?

Here'south the truth: your child probably doesn't experience like they owe you anything for all the dandy work you do as a parent. Most kids don't, in function considering they perceive the world very differently than we do.

What Hurtful Words Really Mean

Let me be clear: it'southward very important to empathize that these hurtful words your child is using are not nigh y'all at all. Taking it personally oftentimes leads to a large emotional reaction from you, which reinforces the bad behavior. This tells your kid that they're powerful—and have power over you lot—which helps the behavior continue in the future. Afterward all, who doesn't desire to feel powerful at to the lowest degree once in a while?

Kids often spout off hurtful words like these when they have a problem they don't know how to solve, whether they're angry, stressed, or dealing with feelings well-nigh something bad that happened at schoolhouse that day. Non existence able to handle their issues leads your child to feelings of discomfort—and pushing your buttons and getting a potent emotional reaction from you helps to make up for those feelings of discomfort.

Don't get me incorrect, your child isn't consciously aware of this in almost cases. However, causing you to exist upset helps them to compensate for their inability to handle the trouble they're facing at the fourth dimension. Some kids also say hurtful things every bit a means of trying to get what they want. If they can injure yous, you might feel bad or doubt yourself and give in. So in some cases, it's a way to accomplish a more tangible goal.

I think it'due south also worth noting that kids often use a lot of faulty thinking to justify their behavior. In other words, they retrieve that if they perceive someone equally being hateful or if they see something as being unfair, that makes information technology okay to be hurtful towards the offender.

What Not to Do When Your Kid Says Hurtful Things

Outset, the don'ts. Reacting to what your child says by being aroused or upset is normal—after all, you're only man. While an emotional reaction is a very natural thing, information technology often leads to ineffective choices. Here is a list of what not to do when your kid says mean and hurtful things to you:

Don't Say Hurtful Things Back

Your natural reaction might be to say something similar:

"Well, I hate y'all too!"


"Well, I wish I never had you lot! What practise you remember about that?!"

Simply saying something hurtful in response sends your child the message that you are not in command. It also models ineffective trouble solving for your kid. In other words, it shows your child that the way to handle verbal attacks is to launch a verbal counterattack.

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Leave the cursing and name-calling out, too. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Don't Scream or Yell

Screaming, yelling, or even raising your voice will lead to the same ineffective outcome every bit saying something hurtful. You will testify your child that you are not in control emotionally—that you lot are their emotional peer. And again, y'all are modeling ineffective ways to solve problems or conflicts with others. Non to mention, yous're essentially giving up your power to the child. Do you lot really want to do that?

Related content: Tired of Yelling at Your Child? Stop Screaming and Start Parenting Effectively

Don't Say "You tin can't…"

A lot of parents respond to their children by maxim something like, "Y'all can't talk to me that mode!" Well, the truth is, they tin can. You tin't control what words come out of your child'due south mouth—that's something they take complete control over at all times.

When y'all say, "Yous can't" to your child, it tin can incite a power struggle as your kid might call back, "Oh aye? Try and stop me!" and on and on they become. Endeavour to choose other words instead. (I'll give yous some examples of more effective verbal responses in a moment.)

Don't Endeavour to Reason with Your Child in the Heat of the Moment

Oftentimes, parents will lecture or try to reason with their kids to get them to see things their manner. Some parents might say, "Well, someday I volition exist expressionless, and and so what will you lot practise?"

Others might betoken out all the things they do for their kid to convince them they should be more grateful and respectful. That vast departure in perception betwixt yous and your child that I mentioned earlier ways there'due south a very skilful chance you lot won't exist able to get them to see center–to–middle with you lot. You're effectively request them to get up to a level they but aren't at right now.

As James Lehman says: "Don't agree your breath… Don't expect immediate compliance, appreciation, insight, acknowledgment, or credit in response to your parenting efforts." That will come later. Perhaps much later. And when a kid is that upset, they're non going to be able to really hear what you're saying, anyway. It'south wasted energy that's best spent controlling your own emotions instead.

Don't Punish or Give Large Consequences

It's very easy for parents to go to that place of, "Fine, if you don't appreciate anything I exercise for you or annihilation you have, then nosotros'll see how y'all do without it!" Taking away all of your kid's prized possessions, emptying out their room, or taking things away for weeks or months at a time will not exist effective.

Over-the-top punishments will not teach your child the skills they demand to manage themselves more effectively in the future. It won't teach them to not say hurtful things to others. Harsh punishments will simply teach them to "exercise time" and will breed resentment towards you. Consequences practice not always speak for themselves. You have to step up to the plate and be your child'southward coach.

Related content: Watch James Lehman Explicate Effective Consequences

What You Tin Do When Your Kid Says Hurtful Things

Okay, we know what not to do and what to avoid when our kids say hurtful things. But is there anything we tin practice? Below are some do'due south and effective responses when these situations inevitably arise:

Stay Calm

Take a deep breath and think near what you will say—and how you'll say information technology—before you let the words out of your mouth.

Be Aware of Your Nonverbal Advice

Non–verbal cues such as tone, volume, facial expression, body positioning, and the step of your words are extremely powerful in communication with others. Not–verbal communication or trunk linguistic communication can have a huge impact on how your message is interpreted. Endeavor to avoid crossing your artillery, putting your hands on your hips, rolling your eyes, or talking at a fast pace, for instance.

Keep your facial expressions as neutral every bit possible. It'due south a good idea to do a mental check and inquire yourself, "How am I coming across right now with my body language?" and make the appropriate adjustments.

Go along Your Exact Response Direct and Brief

When your child hurls an insult at you, you lot tin say:

"I'm pitiful y'all feel that way, but you lot're yet responsible for taking out the garbage."

"Talking to me that mode isn't going to get you out of doing your homework."

Ane of my personal favorites is,

"Maybe y'all do hate living here, just y'all all the same accept to be habitation on time."

What you're doing when yous respond like this is effectively and gently challenging your child'due south poor behavior and helping them meet that it isn't going to solve their problem, and so you lot're redirecting them to the chore at hand. The goal here is to be assertive, not aggressive.

If You're Struggling to Stay Cool, Walk Away

When your emotions get the best of you, get yourself involved in another activity that volition be calming for you. Walking away shows that y'all are in control and that you have the dominance in the state of affairs. If you'd like, you can come up back and accost the issue with your kid at a after time when things have calmed down, which volition be much more effective.

When Your Kid Uses Hurtful Words to Go Their Way

After your child has used words as a weapon against you, it's important to attempt and follow the suggestions above as all-time you tin can. With virtually kids, staying calm, gently challenging them, and setting articulate limits (walking away) is plenty to gradually decrease the behavior over fourth dimension.

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We don't recommend giving consequences for hurtful statements because when in that location are so many challenging things going on, it tin can become really overwhelming to issue every little exact outburst. Picking your battles volition exist very important, as will not giving in to your child and non giving them what they want when they speak to yous this way.

If you experience you must do more to address this consequence in your home, yous can certainly add some problem–solving discussions once things cool off to help your child develop the skills to solve their problems more finer.

Give It Time

Will post-obit these suggestions exist like shooting fish in a barrel? No. Will it feel good? Probably non. Volition it work? Yep, but it might take some time for both yous and your kid to make the necessary adjustments.

Also, I know that following these suggestions may make you lot feel that you are letting your child get away with disrespectful behavior. Simply these suggestions will help you stay in control, office model positive self–management skills, and set articulate limits with your kids. Your actions will show that their beliefs is not okay.

So endeavour your best, stay consistent, and remind yourself that even though information technology doesn't always feel good, you're on the right track.

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